Wednesday 30 March 2011

Week 5: Discussion

I have worked very hard and put a great amount of effort into my "Discussion" with my experiment , making sure it meets the assessment criteria.


In my experiment, where my aim was to determine  which brand of microwave popcorn brand yields fewer un-popped kernels- From carrying out this experiment many results were collected, that if  analysed, reveal obvious patterns and trends. Firstly, when comparing the results of the total percentage popped kernels of each brand, that the results are fairly close, as for the total percentage of un-popped kernels popped follow this trend of being fairly close in results as well. Uncle Toby’s brand was the most expensive , followed by Poppin and then the sure fine generic brand , Coles. Some results seemed to be inconclusive, and unconvincing.When popcorn bags were tested individually and repeated three times for each brand, Uncle Toby’s and Poppin had very dispersed amounts of un-popped kernels , with Poppin’ having an outlier of 269 kernels. Unlike Coles , which had a very consistent amount of un-popped kernels all in the 50’s range.  As for popped kernels for each brand stayed consistent , besides for Poppin which had an outlier result of 272, although when these results are calculated by their mean , they are clustered and are very closely tied. Each popcorn bag  contain an average of total kernels , ranging from 469 to 542. In all cases , more than 50% of the kernels popped and in most cases 80% or more.In no cases, 100 % or the popped kernels actually popped.
Results in this experiment were achieved by collecting  raw data onto two separate data tables on a data sheet.Then collaborating my results, I divided the total number of popped kernels in each brand by the total kernels for each brand, obtaining a percentage of popped kernels produced by each brand to graphs ( One being a column graph recording total average percentage of popped kernels and a stacked column graph also showing this as well as total average percentage of un-popped kernels. By counting the total amount of both popped and un-popped kernels I easily accounted for any difference between each brand. Using the measurement of percentages of popped kernels allowed myself to have a more accurate comparison of the brand's overall performance. From this , I was able to see if my background research backed up my results . In this case it did ,  the Poppin bag with outlier results, has a poor ordered crystallite's arrangement of the cellulose molecules in it’s kernels, as popcorn’s popping quality is determined by this, which can happen on occasions and having a poor crystallite structure may have meant it needed more time to cook. Not only that , I came to the agreement that all three brands have a similar “pop-ability” , with alike crystallite structures , referring back to there average amount of popped kernels or Two other explanations exist for kernels which do not pop at proper temperatures, known in the popcorn industry as "old maids". The first is that un-popped kernels do not have enough moisture to create enough steam for an explosion. The second explanation, according to research led by Dr. Bruce Hamaker of Purdue University, is that the un-popped kernel may have a leaky hull. In no cases, 100 % or the popped kernels actually popped. From research and my own belief that microwaves heat from the outside in , the chances are that the kernels that didn’t pop , were the one closest to the middle of the packet therefore , would be the last to receive heat. To get those middle kernels to pop , you’d have to sacrifice the quality of the kernels already pop as the extra heat would cause them to burn and spoil the product. All this research proves to have supported the reasons for my results and findings , especially ones I though were inconclusive and questionable.
Conferring  the reliability and validity of the experiment ,it can be said to be a very reliable and valid source to obtain conclusions from. There could have been a possible problem for my internal validity of my experiment if I decided to incorporate anything besides the independent variable, this could have had an affect on the result of the dependant variable in my experiment. A solution for this problem I  carried out was that I undertook to decrease the threat of internal validity by using the following strategies to keep my experiment valid and reliable. To obtain consistent results , I popped three bags of each of the three brands. I waited ten minutes between each popping in order to eliminate oven pre-heating. Not only that, the same microwave oven was used, same cooking. temperature and cooking time was used to cook each bag of microwave popcorn. To terminate any discrepancy among the total sum of kernels in each brand, I used a percentage of popped kernels to total sum of kernels for each brand. Additionally, all popcorn bags were purchased at the exact same time and I tried my best to keep the expiration dates as close to each other as possible to eliminate the age of popcorn as a possible variable.
Although my experiment gained appreciable results , there are always ways in which it can be bettered.  Various improvements that could be put into place include to test more than three brands of microwave popcorn , possibly another high brand , mid-range and sure fine generic brand along with the other three brands I tested for further representative and reliable results. I could also test each brand of microwave popcorn more than three times , I would suggest testing out each brand at least five times, this would be an improvement of the experiment I carried out as one of it’s weaknesses was that some results were very dispersed and more testing on each brand could improve results . The more times an experiment is replicated with the same results; the more valid the hypothesis becomes. An additional amendment that could be made would be would be to discuss your experiment design with an “expert/s”, as they could help with any errors that you had not seen in your experiment on your own and they may also suggest anything that might need to be also included into your experiment. An expert may suggest that you investigate related topics that you didn’t think of yourself, this was one of my experiments weaknesses as I haven’t seen my teacher enough and asked all questions I was unsure about.  Another weakness i encountered while carrying out this experiment that the popcorn did get messy and I had no where to store all 900 grams of popcorn , So a suggestion for further tests would be to pour the popcorn into a large bowl and sort the popped kernels back into the popcorn bag and the kernels into a smaller bowl , so the popped kernels were neatly stored and could be eaten later or easily disposed like the un-popped kernels. Next time , I could also consider using a different microwave with a different energy usage , or a different cooking time , which I suggest could be longer , to test if more kernels will be popped.
To conclude my discussion , I would say that many of both patterns and trends can be observed from the experimental results that were gathered from this investigation. Background research information was crucial factor prior the the assessment task to match and explain why this information may have not have supported the findings. While the experiment is in all cases reliable and valid it also had weaknesses and can be suggested improvements to better the carrying out this experiment and future cases. 


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