Sunday 10 April 2011

Week 6 Progress Report

I have almost finished my SRP blog. I have achieved more than I expected I would have thought for my assessment , which I can say I am very proud of.

In week 6 of my SRP , I have finally have written my conclusion , which I have also inserted into my report. In my conclusion I have brought together all my results and findings and also keeping in mind not to introduce any new data and information. I use the marking criteria on the myclassess website as a guide for writing my conclusion, it helped myself a great deal.  

My conclusion will be featured in the blog following this one.

As for the current update on my report , I have proof read through what I have so far , fixing any mistakes and making sure it follows the outline of a proper Scientific Report. Hopefully this week I will be able to send my report to my Teacher , Mr.Ng so he can also have a look over it.

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