Thursday 28 April 2011

Week 9 Progress Report

I have finally completed my whole science assessment ! I've finally accomplished something that I thought would be a real challenge and turned it into a great learning experience that I can bring with me into my future in science. I personally loved working on the SRP , as it involved making a blog , writing up a report and make mind maps , which is definitely more enjoying than sitting an exam. I'm happy that I stuck to my timeline , if not , I know I would have gone off course and know I wouldn't have finished this project to the best of my ability . In about a weeks time I will have to hand in my report , along with sending my blog link and link to my science teacher . Overall i'm very proud of myself and hopefully that will be reflected in my mark. Anyways goodbye now my blog , i've had fun working with you ! :)

Click on mind map and press 'View', then press 'zoom in' on top toolbar to enlarge.

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