Thursday 28 April 2011

Week 9 Progress Report

I have finally completed my whole science assessment ! I've finally accomplished something that I thought would be a real challenge and turned it into a great learning experience that I can bring with me into my future in science. I personally loved working on the SRP , as it involved making a blog , writing up a report and make mind maps , which is definitely more enjoying than sitting an exam. I'm happy that I stuck to my timeline , if not , I know I would have gone off course and know I wouldn't have finished this project to the best of my ability . In about a weeks time I will have to hand in my report , along with sending my blog link and link to my science teacher . Overall i'm very proud of myself and hopefully that will be reflected in my mark. Anyways goodbye now my blog , i've had fun working with you ! :)

Click on mind map and press 'View', then press 'zoom in' on top toolbar to enlarge.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Week 8 Progress Report: Holidays

For the past week , I have finally edited , printed and stapled my Scientific Report , already to give to Mr.Ng to read over when I get back from my holiday break. I am very happy that I have finished my report , all I need it to write my last blog post with my link , then I will be completely done.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Week 7: Holidays

This week , I looked over my report and all the pages in my blog that I have done so far for anything that I have to add that I might have missed out on or things that I may need to take out that weren't necessary for the assessment . I'm proud of what I have done so far.  I have also made sure all my bibliographies are completed for everything I have used as help for my assessment.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Week 6: Conclusion

From this experiment , where the aim was to determine  which brand of microwave popcorn brand yields fewer un-popped kernels. The data gathered in this experiment  firstly gave unexpected results.Although determination was successful, It was found that my hypothesis of ,   If the cost of a microwave popcorn brand is higher then it will yield fewer un-popped kernels, was incorrect. As results proves that Uncle Toby's, the most expensive(high priced name brand) had the highest average total percentage of popped kernels with 91 %, closely followed by Coles, the cheapest brand (sure fine generic brand) with 88 % and lastly Poppin with lowest percentage (mid range name brand) with a drop to 78%.  It is , however, interesting to note that although Coles (The sure fine generic) brand had the second highest percentage , it would be of better value for your money than the Uncle Toby's brand with the highest brand as it was a lot cheaper and more consistent with results overall in terms of the number of un-popped , popped and total kernels in each bag, based on results. The relevance of these findings is to help Popcorn companies understand any improvements they need to make to improve the structure and "pop-ability" of popcorn , to rid the name of "the old maids" which refers to aunpopped kernel in a batch of popped popcorn kernels. By knowing the percentage of popped kernels in the bags will help for them to focus on the rest of un-popped kernels, this would definitely prove profitable for their business and improve the current decreasing popcorn sales. 


Week 6 Progress Report

I have almost finished my SRP blog. I have achieved more than I expected I would have thought for my assessment , which I can say I am very proud of.

In week 6 of my SRP , I have finally have written my conclusion , which I have also inserted into my report. In my conclusion I have brought together all my results and findings and also keeping in mind not to introduce any new data and information. I use the marking criteria on the myclassess website as a guide for writing my conclusion, it helped myself a great deal.  

My conclusion will be featured in the blog following this one.

As for the current update on my report , I have proof read through what I have so far , fixing any mistakes and making sure it follows the outline of a proper Scientific Report. Hopefully this week I will be able to send my report to my Teacher , Mr.Ng so he can also have a look over it.